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Pricing and License Terms (Valid for the year 2017)


The license model is based on the three available Power-Administrator offerings "Freeware", "Professional" or "Enterprise" and the number of TSM servers which you would like to manage or administer.


PA Freeware EULA - End User License Agreement: This is the standard license for the PA Freeware version (It´s absolutely free and causes no fee)
PA Professional EULA - End User License Agreement:  This is the standard license based on the number of TSM server instances used & administered by the PA Professional version.

PA Professional ELA - Enterprise License Agreement:  For customers having more than 10 TSM server instances we also offer an ELA based on usage bandwith.

PA Professional S-EULA - Special End User License Agreement:  For customers having a lot of TSM server instances with less than 10 TSM BA client nodes we also offer special‐EULAs.

Attention: TSM server instances which are used exclusively as dedicated Library Manager(s) will be entitled to a license reduction.

Following you will find the details for the “Professional Edition“ standard EULA:
License Information


By the way ... you have another commercial TSM management product installed and want to change to our "Power Administrator for TSM"?

Then we can (and will) offer you an attractive product change incentive.

*1) For the first 12 months after license agreement, free PA software upgrades and e-mail support is included.

Each additinal year of support will be priced at 10% of one-time license fee value.E-mail support: from 9 a.m. through 5 p.m. Central European Time (CET), Monday through Friday, except for local bank and public German holidays.

If no additional support year(s) is/are ordered, then, the license for the PA Professional edition is terminated and is not allowed to use any more.


Support Charges are subject to adjustments for inflation either based on the Consumer Price Indexes (CPI) of the Bureau of Labor Statistics - or for European Union member countries (EU) based on the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) of the European Central Bank (ECB) Details will be specified in the according “PA Professional” software maintenance or support contract(s).


*2) Minimum contract duration for monthly license charge (MLC) option is 24 months. This option is only valid/available in the European Union member countries (EU).Maintenance, as mentioned above with the one-time license charge (OTLC) is included for the duration of the MLC contract.


Prices are excl. VAT (which is 19%). Remark: for enterprise customers residing inside the European Union AND having a valid"value added tax identification number" or "VAT identification number (VATIN)", bills will be issued without VAT(EU reverse-charge principle).


Remarks: University institutions, non-governmental / non-profit organizations (NGO/NPO) will receive a reduction.


Remarks: Difference between TSM server instance versus TSM software license.


  • TSM software license - is what you buy from IBM or Reseller

  • TSM server instance - is a TSM Server instance having its own instance, database and log directories (IBM terminology).Several TSM instances can run on one physical system



ISS Software Development &

IT Services

Ralf Affeldt
Alexanderstraße 17

64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim


T: +49 (0)176 - 475 86 290
F: +49 (0)62 57 - 91 88 574​


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