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Introduction to the "Power Administrator for TSM"

The "Power Administrator for TSM" contains a complete administration GUI for TSM servers with a lot of functions which facilitates daily administration and operation of TSM (IBM Spectrum Protect) environments of every size. But it is not only an administration interface, it offers also a lot of add-on functions like reporting, monitoring, health checks, TSM script extensions, TSM operations analysis, Trouble Tickets System, etc. And these add-on functions are not only light-weight functions, every add-on topic is covered by a professional and powerful tool with unique properties. Please click and read the following information:





ISS Software Development &

IT Services

Ralf Affeldt
Alexanderstraße 17

64342 Seeheim-Jugenheim


T: +49 (0)176 - 475 86 290
F: +49 (0)62 57 - 91 88 574​


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