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Power Administrator for TSM
TSM Security Extensions via "Switch User" functionality
The new „Switch User“ feature of the PA allows TSM Administrators with "less" privileges to execute scripts, containing TSM commands which need "higher" privileges. For security reasons, the TSM scripts themselves are password protected, so that only authorized TSM administrators can change them.
The "Switch User" funtionality is only available within the "Power Administrator" GUI!
Write your TSM script with any desired TSM command inside.
2. Assign the TSM administrators
to your script, which should
have the capability to execute
4. Login to the PA GUI with one of
the authorized TSM
administrators and execute
your script. In the background
the PA software makes a switch
to the "Switch User"-user and
excutes the script.
3. Assign the "Switch User" (TSM
administrator id) to your
script, which should be used for
script execution. This user must
have all necessary privileges
for the script execution.
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